Our Programs
At Inspiring Girls, we focus on youth education, employment-enhancing skills, social and emotional learning, life skills, English language arts, STEM, and more - to inspire girls to dream big and reach their full potential. All of our activities and resources are FREE. We also have several personalized lesson plans that can be used in association with our program to deepen girls' understanding of careers and their options in life.
Video Hub
The Inspiring Girls Video Hub features a growing collection of short interviews of women from around the world speaking about their career paths and personal journeys. It allows all girls, anywhere, the opportunity to go online and be inspired by amazing role models whenever they want! The Video Hub offers interviews in seven different languages (i.e., English, Italian, French, Polish, Portuguese, Serbian, and Spanish) and all are edited to be fun, educational, and age-appropriate. While some videos are longer or shorter than others, most average less than 5 minutes and cover a wide range of backgrounds, careers, and industries. LEARN MORE
Role Model Talks
We believe in the power of role models! We work with hundreds of amazing women from a wide variety of backgrounds and industries, connecting them with groups of girls. Role models speak not only about their careers, but relate their personal journeys, the choices they made, who inspired them, and more. Our role model talks can take place online or in-person and work well during a class or specific activity (e.g., career day, club meeting, extracurricular hour). REGISTER TO LEARN MORE
Workshops and Speed-Networking Events
Themed or skill-based workshops are another exciting way we connect role models with younger girls. Here girls get to meet and hear from women role models and learn about a unique topic or experience. For example, we can offer Speed Networking Events, Personal Finance and Financial Literacy Seminars, Artificial Intelligence Demonstrations and Workshops, and more. REGISTER TO LEARN MORE
Inspiring Girls Circles are groups of girls who meet with each other on a regular basis to utilize our free resources and activities. Girls meet women role models, build relationships, learn new skills, and explore the full variety of careers and options in life - and are inspired to aim high! We provide guides and resources for groups to get started as well as resources and activities for ongoing support. LEARN MORE